Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hospitals May Overfeed Newborns

It seems that as breastfeeding continues to make its comback, we continually have to redefine "normal"; since for years "normal" was based on what was normal in babies fed artificial milk - everything from how fast babies grow, to how often they eat, how long they sleep, how often they poop, and even how much weight they loose after being born:
Physiologically appropriate infant weight loss is less for babies fed formula in the hospital than for those who are breastfed, suggesting that hospitals feed too much, researchers here said.

Formula feeding in the first few days of life may lead to later overweight and obesity by way of metabolic imprinting, Patricia J. Martens, Ph.D., and Linda Romphf, of the University of Manitoba, reported online in the Journal of Human Lactation.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Gibbon learns parenting, breastfeeding from humans

Look, learn works for Sue the gibbon:
Since the birth of Intan, a baby siamang gibbon, staff at the Christchurch wildlife centre are taking a unique approach to teaching new mother Sue how to care for her gibbon.

The use of video technology, cue cards, and even real life demonstrations of how to breastfeed are being used to teach Sue correct parenting.

Breast-feeding patrons visiting the reserve have also been enlisted to help give Sue the right idea.

She was fascinated by it, said Monique Van Der Linden, head of Willowbank's zoo section.

Monkeys were able to "learn from people", she said.